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Residential / Client Information:
Emergency Contact Information:
Bethell Hospice strives to provide Hospice Palliative Care in a “home-like” environment according to but not limited to the World Health Organization’s definition of Palliative Care: “prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual.” A holistic approach is used to provide symptom management and comfort in all the domains of issues: physical, disease management, psychosocial, spiritual, practical, death management, grief and bereavement. The focus is on the resident’s goals of care and quality of life, not hastening or postponing death. This is provided in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team that includes support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week onsite professional staff including RNs, RPNs, PSWs, social workers and volunteers where family and friends are welcome. Medical Assistance in Dying is not provided on Bethell Hospice premises.
Bethell Hospice programs and services are provided free of charge due in part from the generosity of donations to Bethell Hospice Foundation. Contact information for clients and their emergency contact/substitute decision maker is shared with Bethell Hospice Foundation for the purpose of receiving updates and news.
In addition to my emergency contact/substitute decision maker, please notify the following person of any gifts made in my honour or memory:
Messages sent via the internet can be intercepted. If you are concerned about providing your personal information by email or website form submission, please contact us directly at 905-838-3534 to arrange for an alternate method of communication.
For more information, please refer to our Bethell Hospice Privacy Statement.